Local Authority (Derbyshire policies)
- Administration of Medicines 2023.pdf
- Appraisal Policy.pdf
- Child on Child Abuse.pdf
- Code of Conduct Policy (1).pdf
- Formal Competence Procedure for Teachers.pdf
- Confidential Reporting and Whistleblowing.pdf
- Disciplinary Procedure - Implementation Guidance July 2023.pdf
- Extremism and Radicalisation.pdf
- Grievance Procedure new1.pdf
- Harrassment-and-bullying-procedure-DCC 23.pdf
- Intimate-and-personal-care-policy-2023.pdf
- Lockdown Policy 2023.pdf
- Maternity Paternity and Parental Leave Schemes 2023.pdf
- Physical Intervention-Restraint-overarching policy and guidance.pdf
- Private Fostering Policy-2023.pdf
- Separated Parents Policy-2023.pdf
- Procedure for Managing Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers 2024.pdf
- Adverse Weather, Snow and Ice 2023.11 V05.pdf
- Authorised Leave of Absence and Flexible Working Policy 2024.pdf
- competence-procedure-for-support-staff-Mach 2024.pdf
- Complaints Procedure 2024.pdf
- lone-working-2024.pdf
- Stress - Management of Stress Policy - Context and Legal Background - 2024.pdf
- Authorised Leave of Absence and Flexible Working Policy 2024.pdf
- Management of Sickness Absence Procedures - Advice Guidance (2).pdf
- policy-for-dealing-with-persistent-and-vexatious-complaints (1).pdf
- Recruitment Selection Policy including Advice Guidance 2024.pdf
- Equal Opportunity,Diversity and Discrimination Policy-2024.pdf
- equal-opportunities-statement 2024.pdf
- Teachers Pay Policy 2023 (1).docx
- admissions-and-appeals-.docx
- Allergen-and-anaphylasis policy
- Assessment policy.
- Attendance Policy 2023.pdf
- CCTV Policy-2024.pdf
- Charging and Remissins Policy.pdf
- Child Protection Policy September 2023.pdf
- Community-cohesion-and-equality policy
- Drug-awareness-policy.
- Early Years Policy.pdf
- Educational Visits Policy-2023.pdf
- English Policy.pdf
- External-contributors-and-speakers policy
- GDPR policy
- Geography-policy
- Health-and-safety-policy
- History-policy
- Internet-and-electronic-communications-policy
- Marking-and-feedback-policy
- Maths Policy.pdf
- Menopause Policy-2023.pdf
- Mobile-phone-and-smart-watch-device-policy
- Music-policy
- Online Safety Policy-2023.pdf
- Physical Education and Sport Policy 2023.pdf
- Art-and-design policy
- Relationship, sex education (RSE) policy
- Phonics and Early Reading Policy.pdf
- Privacy-notice-pupils
- PSHCE-policy
- R.E policy
- Retention-schedule-and-deletion-policy
- SEMH Policy.pdf
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilty Policy.pdf
- Mickley Village Primary and Nursery accessibility plan 2022 - 2026.
- Science Policy 2023.pdf
- Use-of-children's-images-in-school policy
- Teaching and Learning Policy 2024.pdf
- Alternative Provision-2024.pdf
- Collective Worship Policy-2024.pdf
- Low Level Concerns Policy-2024.pdf
- Equal Opportunity,Diversity and Discrimination Policy-2024.pdf
- equal-opportunities-statement 2024.pdf
- Anti Bullying Policy-2024.pdf
- Computing policy 2024 (2).pdf
- Homework policy.pdf
- Behaviour policy.pdf