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Mickley Village Primary
& Nursery School




Welcome to Pioneers 2023 - 2024


We are a mixed-age class of Year 3 and Year 4 children. 


Our class teacher is Mrs Davis. Miss Leonard also supports us in our learning each day. 


Summer Term 1 - 2024


In Science we are learning about Electricity, the key question is 'How would we cope without electricity for a day?’   Pupils will have the opportunity to investigate how basic electrical circuits work, explore electrical appliances and electrical safety.    

In History our key question is; ‘How did the achievements of the Maya Civilisation influence their society and beyond?’          

In ICT pupils will be able to experience and explore ‘Creating Media – Photo Editing’ exploring the composition and changing digital images for different uses.  

In Religious Education our key question is; ‘What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong?’     

In Art, Crafts, Design and Technology pupils will be able to explore ‘Ancient Egyptian Art’ pupils will be able to design and create their own scrolls.   

In our Music lessons we are following the Charanga Music programme, 'Blackbird'

Our PSHE topic is Relationships. 


Our PE days are on a Monday and a Friday.  On a Monday, we have PE with our coach from Amber Valley Sports Partnership. Children will need to come into school in their PE kit on their PE days. 



Home learning

For phonics, we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme. The children take home a reading book each week that closely links with their phonics stage.  We encourage them to read this as much as possible over the week before returning it to school.  You can also take a look at the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Resources for Parents page: For parents | Letters and Sounds ( 

In addition to this, children take home a book which they choose from our school library to read for pleasure with their parents/carers. 


For maths, we encourage you to log onto Numbots or Times Tables Rock Stars each night and practise just a few questions.

You can also use the White Rose One-Minute Maths which is also a great resource.

Practice for the Multiplication Tables Check:

Primary National Curriculum
