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Mickley Village Primary
& Nursery School

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.


Governing Body

Clerk to the Governors Nicola Leech (CNET)

Chair of Governors - Mrs Lynn Beeson

Vice Chair - Vacancy


Parent Governor - Isabel Petch - elected December 2024


Parent Governor - Vacancy


Staff Governor - Mrs Rebecca Kevern. Rebecca has attended 6/6 meeting


Co-opted Governor - Mrs Lynn Beeson is a co-opted Governor, She was welcomed on to the Governing Body in July 2021. Her term of office is July 2021-July 2025. Lynn has attended 6/6 meetings


 LA Governor - Vacancy


Co-opted Governor - Victoria Fawcett. Victoria works at Christopher Nieper Academy Trust. She joined the Governing Body in June  2024. She has full attendance at meetings


Headteacher - Miss S Street

Miss Street has been Headteacher at Mickley Village Primary and Nursery School for 18 Years.

Miss Street has attended 5/6 meetings


Mr Jonathon Walmsley joined the Governing Body as a co-opted Governor in February 2023. He is a Headteacher. He has attended 5/6 meetings


No members of the Governing Body are related to any staff members nor do they have any business or pecuniary interests in the school. All Governing Body members have full voting rights.


Key Issues for the Governing Body of Mickley  Infant and Nursery  School for 2024-2025


Over the past 18 months, as the school moved towards becoming a primary school, governors have supported the school’s aim to use the school budget to fund all the additional resources required to support our current children through the school improvement plan and to prepare for becoming a full primary school in September. The  Chair has attended meetings with the school’s senior advisor and the Chair has visited school regularly to provide support to all staff, both relating to school improvement and staff wellbeing. Monitoring is taking place, with a particular focus on developing a progressive curriculum that demonstrates the key knowledge to be learned, and supporting the journey to excellence within the Early Years.

The Governing Body has been supporting the school on its journey to join Christopher Nieper Academy Trust. The school is scheduled to convert on 1st April 2025.


Any enquiries should be addressed to Mrs Lynn Beeson, c/o Mickley Village Primary and Nursery School, Milton Avenue, Stretton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6GG

Telephone number 01773 832707


About our Governors


Sara Street

My name is Sara Street and I have been Headteacher at Mickley Infant and Nursery School ( Now Mickley Village Primary and Nursery School) for 18 years . I have been a teacher for 32 years and trained in Lancashire before moving to a very large first school in Kent where I taught Year 4 children. I moved back to Derbyshire 21 years ago to become Deputy Head at Wirksworth Federation of Infant Schools before taking up Headship at Mickley Infant and Nursery School. I enjoy working with children, parents and the wider community, helping children to aspire to being the best that they can be.


Lynn Beeson
My name is Lynn Beeson and I  retired as Headteacher of Croft Infant School in Alfreton in July 2021 after spending 7 years there. Before that I spent 14 years as a teacher in an infant school in Matlock, joining the school as a newly qualified teacher, progressing to senior teacher and leaving as acting Headteacher. When my son was younger I enjoyed going into his infant and junior school as a volunteer and it was this that spurred me on to achieve my dream of being a teacher. I trained at the University of Derby and achieved my goal in 2000. After I retired I felt I still had lots to give and was invited to become a governor here at Mickley. I have been Chair for almost two years now and am proud to be part of the school community.
Jonathon Walmsley
I became a Governor in February 2023 while supporting the school through Headteacher illness. I was previously Deputy Headteacher at a local  Primary school,  within the 5 pits cluster of schools. In September I took up my role as Headteacher at a junior school in the north of the county.
Rebecca Kevern
I am Business Assistant at Mickley Village Primary and Nursery school. I am local to Mickley area and have worked in the school for 6 years. I am responsible for monitoring budgets and running the school office.








Instrument of Governance
