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Mickley Village Primary
& Nursery School

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.


Governing Body

Clerk to the Governors - Mr Richard Cstle

Chair of Governors - Mrs Lynn Beeson

Vice Chair - Miss Bethany Hardy


Parent Governor - Mrs Sam Morgan. Sam was elected by parents in 2021. Her term of office is 2021-2024. Sam has   attended 6/6 meetings     


Parent Governor - Miss Bethany Hardy. Beth was elected by parents in 2021.Her term of office is 2021-2024. Beth has attended 5/6 meetings


Staff Governor - Mrs Rebecca Kevern. Rebecca has attended 5/6 meeting


Co-opted Governor - Mrs Lynn Beeson is a co-opted Governor, She was welcomed on to the Governing Body in July 2021. Her term of office is July 2021-July 2025. Lynn has attended 6/6 meetings


 LA Governor - Vacancy


Co-opted Governor - Victoria Fawcett. Victoria works at Christopher Nieper Academy Trust. She joined the Governing Body in 2024.


Headteacher - Miss S Street

Miss Street has been Headteacher at Mickley Infant School for 17 Years.

Miss Street has attended 5/6 meetings


Mr Jonathon Walmsley joined the Governing Body as a co-opted Governor in February 2023. He is Deputy Head at Stonebroom Primary school. He has attended 1/2 meetings


No members of the Governing Body are related to any staff members nor do they have any business or pecuniary interests in the school. All Governing Body members have full voting rights.


Key Issues for the Governing Body of Mickley  Infant and Nursery  School for 2022-2023


The start of the 2022-2023 academic year saw Mickley Infant and Nursery School transition to Mickley Village Primary and Nursery School, welcoming the first children into Year 3 and Key Stage 2. Throughout 2021-2022 Governors had been fully involved with the planning and development of the new building and had attended regular meetings. This year, Governors have continued to participate fully with matters relating to the planning, development and financing of the new build and are looking forward to watching this progress during this year in preparation for welcoming Year 4 into school from September 2023.

Over the past 18 months, as the school moved towards becoming a primary school, governors have supported the school’s aim to use the school budget to fund all the additional resources required to support our current children through the school improvement plan and to prepare for our first Key Stage Two children from September 2022. The current Vice Chair has attended all finance meetings and reported back regularly to the Governing Board.

Now that Covid-19 restrictions have been relaxed, Governors have been able to return to a more normal way of working. Since the summer of 2022, meetings, on the whole, have returned to being face to face, with time allocated for “walk rounds” prior to the start of each meeting. Progress towards school improvement targets are discussed at every Governing board meeting and Governors have also been able to monitor work towards these targets during the school day.

Since our last Section 8 Ofsted inspection in May 2022, where the school retained its “Good” grade, Governors have been actively involved in supporting the school’s progress towards achieving the key actions in preparation for a successful Section 5 inspection within the next 12-24 months. The Vice Chair has attended meetings with the school’s senior advisor and the Chair and Vice Chair have visited school regularly to provide support to all staff, both relating to school improvement and staff wellbeing. Monitoring is taking place, with a particular focus on developing a progressive curriculum that demonstrates the key knowledge to be learned, and supporting the journey to excellence within the Early Years.


Any enquiries should be addressed to Mrs Lynn Beeson, c/o Mickley Village Primary and Nursery School, Milton Avenue, Stretton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6GG

Telephone number 01773 832707


About our Governors


Angela Clarke


I have been a Governor at various schools for just over 30 years, and a teacher for 27. I taught in Alfreton from 2001 to 2007 and then moved to be Headteacher at an infant and nursery school near Derby. I retired in July 2019. I joined Mickley Governing Body in 2019 as a Local Authority  Governor. I am passionate about children’s learning, especially in the Early Years when so many foundations for later life are established. It’s great to be involved at Mickley where the happy,  family feel is so important. I wanted to be able to carry on making a difference to children’s education in Derbyshire after I retired and I feel really lucky to be able to do that at Mickley.





Sara Street

My name is Sara Street and I have been Headteacher at Mickley Infant and Nursery School for fifteen years. I have been a teacher for 27 years and trained in Lancashire before moving to a very large first school in Kent where I taught Year 4 children. I moved back to Derbyshire 15 years ago to become Deputy Head at Wirksworth Federation of Infant Schools before taking up Headship at Mickley Infant and Nursery School. I enjoy working with children, parents and the wider community, helping children to aspire to being the best that they can be.



Bethany Hardy
My name is Beth Hardy. I have two children at Mickley Infant school. I enjoy making cakes and live in the local community. 
Lynn Beeson
My name is Lynn Beeson and I am retiring as Headteacher of Croft Infant School in Alfreton in July. I enjoy working in school and have an interest in developing children's education. 
Sam Morgan
My name is Sam Morgan. I have two children , one who currently attends Mickley Infant school. I live locally and enjoy being part of the community. I am interested in education and developing the school.
Jonathon Walmsley
I became a Governor in February 2023 while supporting the school through Headteacher illness. I am currently Deputy Head at Stonebroom Primary school, a local school within the 5 pits cluster of schools. 
Rebecca Kevern
I am Business Assistant at Mickley Village Primary and Nursery school. I am local to Mickley area and have worked in the school for 5 years. I am responsible for monitoring budgets and running the school office.








Instrument of Governance
