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School Logo

Mickley Village Primary
& Nursery School


Attendance on a Page

  • Every Day spent in school increases a child's chance at succeeding in their academic journey.
  • We expect all children to attend at least 95% of the time - our school target is 96%
  • We ask that if there is a genuine reason for absence parents contact school by 9.15am each morning.
  • When attendance drops below 90% parents will be invited to attend a meeting to see how we can support the family to improve attendance.
  • Holidays in term time are not authorised.

Being on time is very important for your child's well being. 

If your child is late they are often distressed and out of routine. Being late causes disruption to their learning and also to the class as they enter as they will have started their daily learning. It is really important for the well- being of everyone that children are in school for the start of the day. We do however understand that there are sometimes unavoidable circumstances which means a child may be late - on these rare occasions we say better late than never. If possible please let us know that you have a problem and your child will be arriving late. This helps us to arrange meals etc. Thank you.


Being on Time

Did you know


Your child starts working and learning as soon as they enter their classrooms in the morning


If your child is just 5 minutes late every day, they are missing out on 25 minutes of education every week


Over a 6-week term, this would be 150 minutes or 2½ hours


In the course of a school year (31 weeks) this would calculate to be 775 minutes or 13 hours of missed education


Don't let your child miss out- help your child to reach their full potential by getting them to school on time!





Attendance information for parents
