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Mickley Village Primary
& Nursery School


Welcome to Adventurers 2023 - 24


We are a mixed-age class of Year 1 and Year 2 children. 


Our class teachers are Mrs McGuire and Miss Greveson. Miss Nash also supports us in our learning each day. 


Summer 2 2024


This half term we will be sharing the stories ‘Dadaji's Paintbrush’ and ‘Rosie Revere Engineer’. Through these books, the children will develop reading skills of prediction and inference and compose their own fact files. 





For Maths we follow White Rose Education. This half term, the Year 1 children will be looking at Place Value (within 100), Money and Time. The Year 2 children will be covering Time, Statistics and Geometry. 



This term in science we will be learning all about Seasonal Changes.

The children will learn how to observe changes across the four seasons, including lengths of days, and describe weather associated with the seasons. 



What is it like to live in Shanghai? We will spend some time exploring our own locality and mapping out our local area, before investigating some physical and human features of China and making comparisons. 




In our Religious Education lessons, we will be considering how we should care for others and the world, and asking why it matters that we do this. 



Changing Me  – The children will help to fit together the six pieces of learning about physical changes that occur during a life cycle. We will talk about the differences between girls' and boys' bodies and how we can cope with change. 


Music - Reflect and Rewind. The children will listen to and appraise classical music, for example, by Johann Sebastian Bach, and find out more about musical rhythm and notes. 



We will be getting messy with clay this half term! The children will be designing and making their own clay houses, including their own unique house tile designs. 



Programming Quizzes. We will be exploring Scratch Junior to further develop our coding skills.



Our PE days are on a Monday and a Friday. We will be developing the skills in Net and Wall games. On a Monday, we have PE with our coach from Amber Valley Sports Partnership. Children will need to come into school in their PE kit on their PE days. 



Home learning

For phonics, we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme. The children take home a reading book each week that closely links with their phonics stage. We encourage them to read this as much as possible over the week before returning it to school. You can also take a look at the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Resources for Parents page: For parents | Letters and Sounds ( 

In addition to this, children take home a book which they choose from our school library to read for pleasure with their parents/carers. 


For maths, we encourage the children to log on to Numbots each night and practise just a few questions.

You can also use the White Rose One-Minute Maths which is a great resource when time is limited.


Our topics for 2023 - 24

Below is the long term plan which outlines all of our topics for the year. 

Long term overview 2023-24
